Wednesday, August 12, 2015

August 12: Jasper National Park, Day 2

August 12

Our first stop if Mount Edith Cavell Wilderness:

See the bright green lake in the background

Angel glacier; the stream disappears before reaching the green pool below.

Notice the steepness of the trail

Here the Whirlpool and Athabasca Rivers meet; notice the difference in the green waters.  We saw several rafts on the rivers.
Athabasca Falls:


Sunwapta Falls

Interesting roots on path

Lower Sunwapta Falls:

view near the above plaque

Dinner was pork tenderloin with a spicy mango chutney, red cabbage, zucchini/carrots/green peppers, mashed potatoes and gravy with a yellow beetroot salad washed down with Yukon Gold and Red Yukon beer.

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