Thursday, August 13, 2015

August 13: Icefields Parkway

August 13

We drive down one of the most scenic highways in Canada:  the Icefields Parkway, a 232 km drive winding along the Continental Divide through spectacular views of the Rocky Mountain peaks and valleys.

 We take a photo of the Athabasca glacier from the Icefields Parkway Visitor Center.
If you look really closely, you can see buses on the ice.  We take the Ice Explorer tour using these $1.3 million buses; check out those tires!  Each bus has six tires at the cost of $5,000 each.

We get 16" on the glacier itself, enough to fill our water bottle with delicious glacier water, take pictures of the snow showing the dirt and snow patterns and the rushing water as a result of the glacier melting.

This photo of the parking lot and far off glacier shows how much of the glacier has melted; 150 years ago the glacier covered ALL that area.

Yoho National Park offers us Takakkaw Falls (means magnificent), one of Canada's highest waterfalls at 254 meters
on the drive from the falls to Emerald Lake

Those buildings are a cabin and conference center; can you imagine being forced to have a conference around this gorgeous green lake?!

This is a natural rock bridge arching over Kicking Horse River

The brew of the night is Mt. Begbie Brewing Co's Tall Timber Ale (Brown Ale) from Revelstoke, BC.  Nice taste!

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