Monday, August 10, 2015

August 9: Olympic National Park

August 9

We're up early this morning to travel from Sequim (an Indian name that means "place for going to shoot" referring to elk and deer) to the Olympic National Park Visitor Center.  We're there just in time to join a ranger talk (the young woman was from Boston with a Boston accent!) concerning the predators that could possible be found in the park.  Even after working here for two years, she has still not seen a cougar; however she has a cougar pelt and explains what to do should we encounter such an elusive animal.  We also see a black bear pelt and an elk hoof with similar instructions.  They have a slice of a tree that had been here almost 1000 years.
 There is also a beautiful elk to view.
We have lunch while enjoying the view; behind us were two deer!

We then head up Hurricane Hill Trail which is only 1.6 miles one way but going from an elevation of 5242' up to 5757'.  We see the example of "folded rock"; sandstone layered with slate.
There are clouds but the views are spectacular.
At the top, you can still see evidence of a previous structure; somewhere I read that it had been a lookout during WWII. Now there are numerous chipmunks who will actually climb up on you thinking you have some food.

It's a gorgeous day with the buzzing of bees, the clicking of locusts, the rustling of grouse (we see agroup of six), and even the sound of the chipmunks.

See the grouping of pinecones only near the toop.

This "sculpture" caught my eye.

We are able to do one more hike to Marymere Falls; only a 1.5 mile round trip to a pretty falls.

Dinner is in Port Angeles at Kokopelli's, a charming restaurant where we order the Seafood Platter:  salmon, shrimp, scallops and crabcake along with brussel sprouts and sweet potato fries with a salad and salmon chowder.  A six beer flight representing Washington breweries adds to a delicious meal!

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