Monday, August 3, 2015

July 30: Last Full Day

July  30

Our last full day.  Rich joined the hydrology lecture where Jerry helped explain some of the vocabulary used by those working with water.   They got to see how to measure the flow of water in a stream which is very important there for the habitation of fish.  First they measured across the stream, then the depth of the stream every six inches to get an average.  Then by timing a stick flowing down stream over a distance of ten feet.  They would then check these statistics from year to year to note changes, good or bad.

I took a walk with Penny (one of the owners) to Blayney Meadow where we caught and saddled two of the horses, put leads on two others and Penny and and her husband Lloyd moved the horses back to the closer meadow.  I then returned in the jeep over very bumpy terrain.  Spike, their dog, had come with us and no one noticed right away that he did not return with us.  After returning and looking and calling for him, it was decided that he would return on his own. Unfortunately, he was found trying to come home but with a broken leg.  He will be on the first ferry back to visit his vet.

Our appetizers tonight include Penny’s famous hot artichoke and cheese dip with bruschetta bread followed by tri-tip and chicken, Trader Joe’s rice with black barley and daikon radish seeds kicked up with the addition of sunflower seeds and golden raisins, mushrooms, carrots and green beans and salad.  Dessert was cheesecake with cherries!

Our final gathering included Jerry Hearn on guitar leading us in a sing along around the blazing fire.  Hosteler Leslie ended the evening with a haunting solo of Amazing Grace.

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