Saturday, August 15, 2015

August 15: Canmore & Kananaskis Country

August 15

We had fallen asleep to the sound of heavy rain and thunder and we wake up to rain and 43 degrees with little visibility.  Rather than head back up to Banff, we head south to Kananaskis Country.  The first third of the trip is on a gravel road. The tops of the mountains are all obscured by clouds but we see the reservoir and look back onto the town of Canmore, a small town of 12,000 where we are staying.

We see a mother and her baby eating at the edge of the road but very little other wildlife including birds. For all the lakes we see, I see only a lone duck.

We stop  at the Visitor Center which has wonderful displays including stuffed grizzly, cougar with ram, sheep and a wolf.  All were either hit by cars or killed by livestock owners and then donated to the center.  It's an interactive display so that children and adults can learn about flora and fauna, glaciers, etc.  There is a lit fire in the hall with couches and tables and chairs.

We continue on the Kananaskis Lakes Trail to the 1982 Canadian Mt. Everest Expedition Trail, so named for the first Canadians to reach Mt Everest.  It's only a 2.3 km loop that goes up 122 meters in elevation. It does have informative signs explaining how the mountains formed from the moving plates but even though the rain is more a mist, the views are not impressive.  In fact, if you look at this next photo, you are supposed to see two mountains and see the Mangin Glacier between them, Alberta's southernmost glacier.

 We walk on a path formed on stone that is vertical; ie it's like flat slate that is now on its edge.  Talk about force!
Because everything is wet, all the colors are even more vibrant than usual; so many shades of green! Rarely do we see flowers, but that rare purple flower, the tiny red berries on the little plant, all seem so special.

With 43-45 degree temperatures, I dressed up with a fleece and my waterproof windproof jacket.  However, after about 20" on the steep hike, I'm unzipping both jackets.  Now I'm sweating while my hands are so cold!

While walking back down, we hear what sounds like a loud rattle; it was not repeated, however, we scurry down a little faster!  We have never heard a rattler, but why take a chance?!

The drive back still has clouds like a halo surrounding the mountains. And then there is the clouds on the top, like frosting.
Dinner is at the Rose and Crown Pub and Restaurant; we opt for the classical English fish and chips with a bowl of salmon chowder.  We choose the Kokanee Lager and the Big Rock Traditional Ale and finalize the evening with homemade apple crisp a la mode.

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