Wednesday, August 19, 2015

August 18: Waterton Lakes National Park

August 18
Today was a special day beginning with visiting the Bison Paddock.  Check out these babies!

Then the drive down Red Rock Parkway, “Where the Mountains Meet the Prairie” and follows the ancient Buffalo Trail used by first Nations hunting parties. 

We do the hike to Blakiston Falls
and the Red Rock Canyon Loop (1.6 miles).  As we walk, we see a chipmunk and two different kinds of squirrels. These red rocks are a deep maroon color.

Our next hike is only 1.8 miles long but goes up 738 feet giving us this spectacular view of Upper Waterton Lake.  The far end of the lake is actually Montana.  
Prince of Wales Hotel

Middle Waterton Lake

Upper Waterton Lake

We were on top of the Bear's Hump.
After that strenuous climb, we stop at Welch’s Chocolates, Ice Cream & Desserts for a double scoop of black cherry and tiger (orange with licorice swirls) ice cream.
Our final hike of the day is a 1.9 mile hike thru a “snow forest” beside a scenic subalpine lake.  A snow forest is just white pine trees that get a lot of snow that lasts until lake spring.  But it’s pretty and at the end of the lake, you can again see Montana.  The end of our trail is filled with grasses, berries and flowers and is known as the grizzly garden.  We do not (nor are we allowed to) go any further.  

 I can’t help but take another picture as we head back to the Prince of Wales Hotel.

Crest over the front door

Prince of Wales Hotel
inside the hotel

 Check out the view from the restaurant!

Leaving the park, we stop to view the Maskinonge Lake.
Our drive out of Alberta takes us by Chief Mountain.

Dinner is Montana beef burger followed by huckleberry pie!

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