August 23
Today is going to be another long drive, 577 miles. We hit Salt Lake City after five hours on the road and drive by the Capital.
Today is going to be another long drive, 577 miles. We hit Salt Lake City after five hours on the road and drive by the Capital.
We visit Temple Square, a 10-acre base for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (L.DS) in the center of Salt Lake City. On the walk to the square, we pass this beautiful home and the Conference Center.
We take their free tour; our guides are young women, Sister Lee from Hong Kong and the other sister from Bolivia. They have four organs in the square; this one was being used for a free concert today.
This one, the smallest of the four, was in the Assembly Hall which was completed in 1880 and could hold 2100 people. The ceiling has a version of Utah's state flower, the Sego Lily. When the Mormons first came to Utah, they lived on the Sego Lily flower bulbs; their first year crops were eaten by crickets so they still depended on the lily bulbs.
No outsiders have been allowed in the Tabernacle since it was dedicated in 1883 (it took 40 years to build as each block of stone was mined a four day journey away). However, they do have a model showing the lower right hand room representing Adam and Eve and the past, the second floor room on the left being now and the family, and the next room up on the right represents the celestial. Everything there is instructional for the next life.
As we leave the area, it is brown and quite unattractive; these are pictures of the better views.
Dinner is at the Buffalo Bistro: Barcelona Bruschetta and Wild Boar Ribs with Polygamy Porter and Evolution Amber Ale. We watch the many hummingbirds flitting around.
We stay at the Buffalo Bungalow, very cute.
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